Target Impression Share to maximize

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Target Impression Share to maximize

Post by parvejx765y »

For eCommerce stores it's usually best to use bids that you set a target ROAS for. If you're running a niche with low daily searches I would choose to maximize conversion value. Bidding may limit your impressions too much. Advertisers who generate leads are usually best off using cost-per-acquisition bidding, in which case you can specify a target cost per conversion for . Represents cost per acquisition. If search volume is low try again to maximize conversions. With enough data points Google is pretty good at reaching or targeting.

Be aware that setting your goals too aggressively can limit conversions and reduce overall profits. You should aim for profit maximization not maximization or minimization. For branding campaigns you may want to South Africa Phone Number use your exposure in the top positions. This is actually a brand defense tactic to prevent competitors from stealing your stream quantity. challenge. For automated bidding to work, each campaign typically needs its own daily budget. You can apply shared budgets but if you assign shared budgets to campaigns you may find that some campaigns don't get enough spend for the algorithm to optimize.


You need to consolidate your campaign structure first so your data accumulates in fewer ad groups. The push towards automated bidding has changed the way we plan and structure campaigns. It no longer makes sense to build granular campaign structures based on individual keyword ad groups due to the large number of conversions required to optimize bids. You'll often see better results from simpler campaign structures where data is consolidated across fewer campaigns and ad groups to your agency's effect. Let's say you work with an agency to manage your ads.
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