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There Are Many Types Of Kpis For Buy Email Database

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:53 am
by biplobr620
Sales depending on the nature and organization of the business. The same KPIs cannot be established for an online store as for a physical store Buy email database. In the same way, it will also be necessary to establish different KPIs for a B2B business that focuses its sales through the contacts and meetings of its sales team. Some of the main sales KPIs to take into account are the following: conversion rate It is the relationship between the number of conversions (sales or leads) and the number of opportunities generated , whether they are total visits to a website, clicks from a campaign, etc. cost per lead It is the metric that calculates how much money has been invested to get a lead (each potential client that has left us their contact information). Qualified lead rate The rate of qualified leads is what establishes the relationship between the number of leads obtained and the number of qualified leads Buy email database.

The latter are the users Buy email database that fit with our buyer person . Customer acquisition cost It is the indicator that weights the investment made to convert a consumer into our client . It allows evaluating, for example, the effectiveness of a certain customer acquisition strategy. average purchase It is the average value of the purchase of products or contracting of services that a client makes in the business. To calculate it, add the total amount entered by the business and divide the result by the number of sales or transactions. Sales profitability It measures the relationship between sales and the cost of producing the product or service offered. Loyalty KPIs Loyalty KPIs are those that allow us to measure the experience of our customers when consuming our products or services Buy email database.


Some of the most frequent are the following: Customer Lifecycle Value This is the net benefit that the company obtains from its relationship with a given customer Buy email database. Although there are several ways to calculate it, the simplest and most used is to multiply the annual profit per customer by the years of permanence of this as a customer. Companies like Netflix or HBO make important acquisition offers (such as giving away the first month of subscription), aware that the value of the life cycle of their clients is very high. Recurring purchase rate It is the relationship between the total number of customers who have bought from us more than once and the total number of customers Buy email database.