Purchasing journey

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Purchasing journey

Post by Wade »

Don't forget about the appropriate extensions Google Ads allows advertisers to very precisely determine which keywords (and their combinations) are to be associated with our advertising message. They may ultimately determine that the user looking for a solution that interests him will actually find the product that we have included in our Christmas promotion. Regardless of whether it is a color or a specific model (e.g. in the case of a telephone), we will certainly make it easier for potential consumers to find the option we promote.

Skillfully selected extensions will allow you to acquire valuable UAE Phone Number Data customers, i.e. those who, after visiting our website, will actually view its content and make a purchase. There is nothing worse than an Internet user who leaves the website a few seconds after entering, because it reduces the time spent on the website, which also translates into much lower visibility in search engine algorithms. A separate page with a Christmas offer The longer the path from entering the website to clicking the cart, the greater the probability that the consumer will give up purchasing the product.


That is why we should prepare an appropriate landing page, the address of which will be provided in all advertisements within the campaign - thanks to this, the user will be directed directly to a dedicated subpage, so he will not have to manually search for the products he is interested in. Internet users today are extremely demanding when it comes to responsiveness and navigation of the websites they visit, so it is good to be prepared for their high standards. However, if we shorten their to an absolute minimum, we should not have to deal with many unfinalized transactions. Remember, however, that statistically there will be a customer who leaves a product in the cart and simply forgets about it.
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