I would like to write this article as a look

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I would like to write this article as a look

Post by pjan99268 »

Afterwards, I met Grow&Better CEO Cheon Se-hee and joined Grow&Better as a partner. As a result, we were able to compare the DNA of [enterprise company customer center] and [startup customer center]. The biggest difference was that the most frequently used words in enterprise customer centers were 'customer satisfaction' and 'stability', whereas in startup customer centers, 'service growth' was the biggest mission. If you think about it, while enterprise companies are already 'adults', startups can be said to be 'adults (or children)', so it is only natural that the scale of 'health care' is different for each age.

However, because what customers want from a company continues to change, ultimately, ‘customer satisfaction’ cannot be realized if the service settles for ‘stability’. There is no guarantee that a service that was successful New Zealand Phone Number Data in the past will make current customers happy. That's why there are growing signs that enterprise companies in various fields are researching customer communication in rapidly growing startups and learning their success methods. I have been working in the customer service and customer center of enterprise companies for too long, I know too much, and I think it is time for many of them to pivot, so I chose the topic of this article, ‘What to inherit from enterprise customer center’. I had no choice but to think and hesitate for a really long time while writing this. So, in the end, back at 'moments that contributed to the company's development as a customer center manager' during my career as a customer service manager.


I hope that through my experience, you will be able to gain some 'still useful' tips on how to run an enterprise customer service center. The customer center is the company’s historical record warehouse. There is a saying , ‘History belongs to those who record it,’ right ? Things we think we will never forget disappear from our memories as time passes, and we cannot remember what happened or when. The customer center’s daily report is the best record of the company’s history. Customer center records serve as the best information storage warehouse, encompassing both quantitative and qualitative statistics . If you look at what happened that day and how many inquiries were received as a result, you can predict what content and how many customers will respond during similar events in the future.
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