Completely free of charge lowering the barrier

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Completely free of charge lowering the barrier

Post by pjan99268 »

Once Channel Talk is introduced, the retention rate of maintaining service use without cancellation reaches a whopping 98.1%, helping to drive growth. Overseas growth is also high, with 15% of total sales occurring in the global market, and overseas sales are also steadily expanding. In particular, the company's performance in Japan was strong, setting a record of seven-fold increase in sales compared to the same period last year. The distribution of companies that have adopted Channel Talk is also diversifying. As of the end of the first half of the year, 39% of shopping malls, 21% of IT services, 15% of education, and 25% of others are choosing Channel Talk from commerce to general companies.

Channel Talk, a cloud-based corporate service software, is a service that combines Malaysia Phone Number Data chatbot-based online chat consultation, marketing tool (CRM), and team messenger into one, helping companies grow their customers through customer relationship management and efficient marketing consulting. Among single-person businesses and small and medium-sized businesses, sites with a MAU (number of visitors per day) of 100 or less can use all Channel Talk features, including Kakao Consultation Talk linkage, to entry. In the future, Channel Talk will challenge the market with annual sales of KRW 600 billion by increasing the number of major domestic business targets to 300,000 search advertising businesses, and further accelerate its growth by aggressively targeting the CRM solution field targeting the North American SMB industry, which is a larger stage. The plan is to expand.


Introducing the fastest and easiest app to connect with cafe24 that no one told you about . I’ll recommend just 5 apps that will boost your sales ! 1. Channel Talk : CRM + chat consultation This is cafe24’s most compatible chat consultation + CRM + in-house messenger channel talk ! Channel Talk links customer information directly with one click . When a customer starts a consultation, this customer database is immediately visible, allowing customized response! You can also easily increase sales by using cafe24's exclusive marketing recipes in Channel Talk. Jjinfan marketing,” which displays different pop-up messages to new customers and regular customers, is possible! Easily follow actual cases of famous shopping malls such as Oyani, Covernot, Real Coco, and Yada with Channel Talk marketing recipes! 2.
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