Usually customers leave because they are

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Usually customers leave because they are

Post by pjan99268 »

By using a friendly conversational approach, it ultimately leads to a purchase. For example, when a customer is looking at a product and thinking about it, ask 'Do you have any questions about the size?' And ask. In Channel Talk, you can see what product the customer is looking at, so you can immediately recommend the product. worried, but since their questions are answered right away, they naturally purchase. The purchase conversion rate has reached a maximum of around 13% and is maintaining an average of around 9%. It's huge. Q. Did you have any difficulties setting up Channel Talk marketing? Channel Talk has a variety of marketing recipes.

In fact, it shows how the brand set its message and the results. If you just click Lebanon Phone Number Data on the example template, all conditions will be set automatically , so 'I only need to modify a few things here!' It felt easy while doing it. A/B testing is especially useful. We can immediately check whether message A or message B is more effective for our customers. Since our company still doesn't have any developers, I've said everything. (laugh) Q. What is The Jam’s secret to making you want to buy it? Our telephone consultation rate does not exceed 10%. Most of the time, we consult through chat. I think the reason we were able to maintain the staff without increasing the number of people was thanks to the Channel Talk support bot. We designed frequently asked questions and simple inquiries to be resolved immediately using the Channel Talk support bot .


Instead of just answering simple inquiries, agents can now take charge of sales areas as well. Our main focus is consultation that can lead to purchase conversions . Q. Who set up the support bot? Actually, I didn't know that we could set up the support bot ourselves. Normally, when I work at a customer center, if I request a change from the department in charge, it gets rejected. ‘They say you can’t do this’ But if you use Channel Talk Support Bot, we can design everything. I love it because I can edit it in real time by adding and removing the response button as needed. Q. How did you like the support bot statistics update? As soon as it was updated, I pressed the statistics button as if I was really waiting. In the support bot, you can immediately see which inquiries are clicked on the most and what the consultation rate and bounce rate are.
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