How to decide the homepage address Basically

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How to decide the homepage address Basically

Post by arafatrahman87 »

Once you access that file, you can view the " Customer Testimonials " page. The following is a supplementary note (you may feel free to skip it). supplement In this case, the file name is not displayed in the "homepage address of the feature page . Actually, a file called index.php is stored in a folder called "feature" . "Index" has the connotation of a table of contents, and the file name is often omitted because it can actually be accessed even if it is not mentioned in the homepage address. Otter In fact, if you access our company's it is set to be forwarded to "~/feature/". This is called "URL normalization" and is mainly done for SEO purposes (you don't need to remember it this time). be aware of keeping your homepage address as short as possible . The shorter the homepage address, the easier it is for users to remember, and the less likely they are to make typos. It also makes it easier to manage your own homepage.

Now, we will explain how to decide on each element that makes up the India Phone Number List homepage address. How to decide the homepage address How to decide on a domain name How to decide on a subdomain name How to decide the subdirectory name How to decide the file name How to decide on a domain name First, how to decide on the left side of the "." in the domain name. Although you can specify any string of characters you like, it's best to include words that are relevant to your business. We recommend that you enter the "company name" if it is a corporate site, the "service name" if it is a service site, and the "brand name" if it is a brand site. Otter Only half-width alphanumeric characters and half-width - (hyphen) can be used in domain names. The number of characters must be at least 3 and no more than 63 characters.


Next, decide the type of domain to the right of the ".". As mentioned above, we recommend choosing from the following three domains. Some domains have acquisition conditions, so please check them before selecting. Domain type meaning Acquisition conditions Domain meaning Japanese company Japanese corporation Domain meaning commercial none .jp Domain meaning Japan have an address in Japan If it's a company, we recommend as it shows that it's a corporation. If you are a sole proprietor, chooseDetails are explained below. What domain do you need for your homepage? Explaining how to select and obtain How to decide on a subdomain name If you are planning to create a main homepage, please decide whether or not to include "www" when setting up the domain. There's no big difference.
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