Difference between URL and homepage address

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Difference between URL and homepage address

Post by arafatrahman87 »

Here you go! table of contents What is a homepage address? Difference between URL and domain Five elements that make up a homepage address scheme name Host name (subdomain name) Domain name subdirectory name file name How to decide the homepage address How to decide on a domain name How to decide on a subdomain name How to decide the subdirectory name How to decide the file name Most homepage addresses are determined by domain names. Get a domain along with a rental server! summary For those considering establishing a homepage What is a homepage address? For those who don't really know much about it, we will explain the basics of homepage addresses (if you already know, please take a look at " The 5 elements that make up a homepage address "). A homepage is often compared to a "house," and in that case, the homepage address corresponds to an "address."

When building a house in real life, the first thing you think about is where Hong Kong Phone Number List to build it. Similarly in the internet world, you first need to decide on a homepage address. Difference between URL and homepage address "URL" also means the address of the homepage. Basically, you can think of it as a synonym for homepage address. memo URL is an abbreviation for "Uniform Resource Locator" in English. In Japanese, it is translated as ``uniform resource locator'', but there is no need to memorize it. Difference between URL and domain Illustration of the difference between homepage address and domain A "domain" is one of the elements that make up a homepage address. "〇〇〇.jp" in the image is the domain. The homepage address does not only include the ``home address'', but can also include more details such as ``rooms'' and ``objects.''


However, the domain is just "home address ". Homepage address Therefore, while there are as many homepage addresses as there are objects, there is only one domain. Five elements that make up a homepage address Here, we will explain the structure of the homepage address in more detail. The following is the homepage address of the " Customer Testimonials " page of the rental server " X Server " provided by our company . Illustration of the five elements that make up a homepage address A homepage address mainly consists of these five elements. Five elements that make up a homepage address scheme name Host name (subdomain name) Domain name subdirectory name file name scheme name Home page address (scheme name) A scheme is a means of communication.
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