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Other than that, you do not need

Post by MimJannat930 »

This, in turn, may result in users losing trust in the website, weakening their position in Google rankings or increasing the bounce rate. To fix this error, simply search for the problematic resources and then replace their prefix with the . In the case of a WordPress website, we can use a dedicated plugin. In the case of a website that saves content in a database, all we need to do is use SQL code.

However, in the case of a standard static website, we must make manual changes to the code. best WordPress slider plugins WordPress slider The vast majority of WordPress themes offer support for the so-called photo editor image slider, and the phrase "WordPress Slider" itself is a very popular query in all search engines. Why is this happening and why almost everyone wants to have a slider on their website.


Everything revolves around a positive impression. wordpress slider From time to time, we remind you that all website and online store owners should look for ways to improve the visitor experience. This is extremely important, especially in the case of e-commerce stores. Why? Because a positive customer experience means more profits! A wisely used slider on a WordPress website improves the experience.
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