How to set Content Marketing goals

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How to set Content Marketing goals

Post by Rakibbd »

Building a content marketing strategy is not easy and requires great attention to detail. In fact, putting a content strategy into practice does not only mean creating a company blog and publishing articles, but also and above all defining clear and measurable objectives.The blog is certainly a great way to trigger an inbound marketing process and intercept people interested in your brand, but a fundamental mistake is often made: having a content strategy without KPIs.The objectives of an effective content strategySetting concrete goals is key to grounding a content marketing strategy . To obtain good results, you must first identify concrete points to respect, monitor and track, and then analyze the results from the contents.But what are the concrete objectives, or rather, the KPIs of content marketing to create a winning strategy?We can divide content marketing KPIs into four macro areas.

Traffic Engagement Actions Monetization For each of these macro-areas it is possible to set micro-objectives which then lead to the final result, namely that of generating concrete conversions, creating Job Function Email List virtuous traffic, real involvement and a series of actions which lead towards monetisation.What you must never lose sight of is that content marketing objectives must be aligned with commercial objectives. The question you must always ask yourself when choosing which content to include in your strategy is: what do I want to achieve?For example, some content marketing goals to consider are:Increase brand awareness in key markets or verticalsIncrease traffic to your websiteIncrease subscriptions (e.g. to a newsletter)Drive readers to a specific landing page or formWhatever your goal, it is important that it is always specific, measurable, relevant and based on a specific time frame.


Every time you set a goal, ask yourself how you will measure it in terms of traffic, leads or sales: identify a numerical threshold of your goals and decide how to monitor progress.Discover your target audienceYou cannot build a content marketing strategy without first knowing your audience in depth: only in this way will you be able to have a concrete action plan, based on the real needs and desires of the people you want to reach.To get to know your audience, it is essential to document yourself and create buyer personas , through cards capable of summarizing the characteristics of the potential customers you need to reach with your work in a few essential points.Aligning with the needs of those who have to buy your goods or services is essential for a successful content strategy.
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