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Successful Rebrand: What to Watch Out for and How to Make It Rewarding

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:22 am
by abdulahad
When a computer malfunctions, the easiest step is often a quick reboot. For many tech hiccups, that’s all it takes to get back on track — problem solved. If only a company rebrand were that simple. A comprehensive rebrand is more intentional and nuanced than hitting “reset” or initiating superficial changes. After purchasing Whole Foods, Amazon had to shed the grocery chain’s “Whole Paycheck” image. Customers had come to find the store overpriced when compared to competitors, so Amazon cut prices significantly and set up Amazon Prime customers to save even more. The best way to deal with an image problem, according to Amazon? Face it head-on. This brand realignment didn’t happen for Whole Foods overnight. It took a willingness to dig below the surface to spot signs of consumer disengagement. Monitoring the Migration of Consumer Wants Successful rebrands hook people.

When Phillips 66 found itself lumped together with a litany of other gas providers, for example, the company launched the Live to the Full campaign, which connected the idea of full gas tanks with emotional journeys. The spots garnered attention for their uniqueness and vibrancy, but more importantly, appealing to human emotion — and not being afraid to do so — differentiated Phillips 66 from its competitors. In addition to connecting with customers psychologically, modern brands must provide perceived value in terms of time. For instance, people pay to join Amazon Prime for its rapid delivery options.Phone Number List Amazon is handing those consumers precious minutes of their lives back. However, consumers will willingly give up time for brands that have the “cool factor.” This is why people will gladly wait in line for the latest iPhone or drive a few extra miles to Target, even if a Walmart is within walking distance. Consumer decisions will always be personal. But as the majority swells in one direction, brands would be wise to mark the change. Sometimes, that necessitates an inside-out overhaul. Know the Signs: Getting Ahead of Rebranding You might be unsure of whether it’s time for your business to rebrand, so if you spot any of the following flags, take note. Positive consumer sentiment is waning: Do consumers feel connected to your brand? Are they out there spreading the word? Do you have die-hard fans? If your company doesn’t have a groundswell of support, it may be time to generate some.


Your customer base has declined or flattened: Are consumers aging out of your offering? Are you struggling to connect with the emerging demographic? Unless you’re replacing lost buyers with younger or different-minded customers, you’re headed toward problems. Influencers aren’t interested in promoting your brand: If you can’t find brand advocates to endorse your offerings, this could be a red flag that consumer sentiment truly isn’t in your company’s favor. Influencers earn a living through paid sponsorships, and many are selective about the brands they work with. When they pass on being associated with your organization, it’s not a good sign. Change Course: The Steps to a Rewarding Rebrand Rebrands that are done well are achieved by pairing a healthy dose of reality with a clear sense of where the company needs to go next. To get from the status quo to new frontier, brands can combine a variety of tried-and-true tactics.